Saturday Motivation
Saturday Motivation
OK. Even I get lazy about my own workouts from time to time so today's motivation is about scheduling your workouts into your day. It doesn't matter if you keep a paper schedule book like I do, or use your phone for your schedule. The important part is to physically add your workouts in.
On Superbowl Sunday, I was at a par [ + ]
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Saturday Motivation
Saturday Motivation
Saturday Motivation
Sometimes, a bit of tough love is needed. If you think I am talking directly to you, read on. If not, save this blog for a time when you have fallen out of your healthy routine and need to get back on track.
Let me guess: You stopped working out when you got sick and you are [ + ]
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Saturday Motivation
We All Have Magic. How will You Use Yours Today?
What are you waiting for? You have said at least a million times that you are going to start exercising on a regular basis, but here we are, and there you are on your couch.
Don't think I don't know what's going on in your head...."I promise to start on Monday". Monday turns into Tuesday, Wedn [ + ]
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