Monday Mania

OK. I made the commitment so here we go. I have decided to dedicate a different topic to the different days of the week. I am calling this Monday Mania because I never quite seem to have control over Mondays. Am I alone out there?

Thank goodness I am organized. Sunday night, I lay out all of my clothing for Monday. This may sound simple enough, but consider this: I have gym clients, pool clients, dance clients and tennis clients. Some days, I change my clothing 5-6 times per day and take up to 4 showers. That’s a lot of organization, but it is the only way I can function…..PARTICULARLY on a Monday.

Mondays seem to be the day that Murphy has me, as my Dad would say. He refers to, of course, Murphy’s Law. “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” I know what you’re thinking: “It’s all in my head”. “If you think positively, positive things will happen”. Generally, I would have to agree but Mondays are and always will be my nemesis. I have learned to accept that as a fact in my life. What about you? Do you have a particular day or time that you struggle with? I’d LOVE to hear how you handle the situation. PERHAPS…..Just perhaps, it could help ME!

Until Tomorrow,

Shereen Rios BAS, CPT

Focus and Form Fitness

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