Personal Training at its Finest 305.766.6877
COMMITMENT ISSUES We all have them. It seems like an easy thing to commit to performing regular exercise. Yet the reality is that it is almost impossible for most people to do. Why is that? We all know how important it is to move. We all know that we will live longer, healthier lives if we do. Here's what it comes down to: Are you willing to commit to yourself? You make commitments to your jobs, your families, to brush your teeth twice a day, etc. Why is exercise different? The answer is simple. IT SHOULD NOT BE. So...I challenge you. Schedule yo [ + ]
» read moreWhat’s Holding You Back? Most adults know that eating right and getting regular exercise are one of the keys to aging gracefully and strongly. It has been proven that taking care of ourselves leads to less doctor’s visits, less medication being taken, and an overall feeling of knowing that we are doing the best we can do for ourselves ( So, we ask you this: “What’s holding you back?” Over the next several w [ + ]
» read morePulse Check This is an official pulse check. For whom, you may ask? For YOU, I answer. Here’s the thing. I can choose topics to write about that I think may interest you, and you may or may not be interested. That’s life, and I can accept that. However, some feedback would be lovely. I know that people read this, but I have no idea if the topics are what you WANT to read. Here’s the part where I plead with you. If you could, please take a few moments to let me know what you would like to read about. Chances are, if you have a concern or som [ + ]
» read moreHome Sabotage OK. You have worked out for the day with your trainer, gone to work, done all of your chores, fed the kids, fed the farm animals, and achieved all that was on your “to do” list. What a day! You should feel great about yourself. The problem is that you don’t feel so wonderful. You are not achieving the goals that you and your trainer have set for you. You are so confused. After all, you have not missed an appointment in the 12 weeks since you started your program. Maybe you should consider a new trainer that can help you meet you [ + ]
» read moreLast week, I gave you homework to do. I am assuming that if you are reading this now, you have done your work and are anxious to discuss it. As a reminder, here are the goals that I asked you to revise: “I will lose 50lbs. by next year.” “I will go to the gym every day.” “I will stop eating junk food and fast food.” “I will get into my “skinny clothes” by ___________ (fill in the special event date). “I will have 6-pack abs in 3 months.” “I will have the beach body I want by summertime.” Let [ + ]
» read moreGoal Setting What kind of fitness, health and wellness goals do you set for yourself? Chances are whatever fitness goals you have set, you have failed to reach. Statistically speaking, according to Maggie Wray, PHD, one in four people make the same resolution each year and fail to keep it. (Wray) This is what we like to call, at Focus and Form Fitness, a negative learning curve. The good news is that you can stop the cycle. The not so good news is that it takes some time and thinking. What stops you from meeting the goals you set? In most cases tha [ + ]
» read moreWhat Will Motivate You? Do you want or need to do any of the following? * Lose weight *Weight train *Gain weight *Eat a better diet *Be happy * Exercise Do you ever think about the following conditions? * Obesity *Malnutrition *Diabetes *High blood pressure *Osteoporosis *Bad posture Have you ever asked yourself the following questions? * What should I eat to lose weight? * How many calories do I need to burn to lose 10 pounds? * What is the best ab workout? * Is there a differenc [ + ]
» read more