Time Flies!


Time Flies

It is hard to imagine that is already the middle of May. It seems like a short time ago, the snowbirds were arriving in South Florida. Now, they have flown back home. Time flies, and for that reason, I encourage you to make a commitment to do the things you have been putting off for another time.

As I sat at the memorial service for a dear friend and client of mine, I reflected on my own life. I am sure all of you have gone through this as well. I started thinking about all of the things that I have been putting off, and I realized the truth. If I keep putting things off, I may not be around to ever follow through. Yes, I too am mortal.

Take advantage of life. Make a list and prioritize it. Make sure you date the items on your list so you have a real idea of the time it takes to complete the item. As you achieve the goals or accomplish the tasks, cross them off. Now….The key to this is….As you cross off something on your list, add something else. Goals are important in life. If you cross things off and never add to your list, you will stop accomplishing things.

Taking life for granted will always have the same result: an unfulfilled life. The next time I sit at a memorial service, I will hopefully be able to reflect on my own life in a different way. I challenge all of you to join me. What do we have to lose?

In Health and Wellness, and in memory of my dear friend and client Bob Tannenbaum,

Shereen Rios BAS, CPT for Focus and Form Fitness

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