S.M.A.R.T. Goals

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Hopefully by now, we have sparked your interest about what S.M.A.R.T. goals are.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the acronym, S.M.A.R.T. stands for:





Timeline (or Time bound)

Let’s break down the acronym for further analysis.

1. Specific

Your goals need to be very specific. Generalized goals are, quite frankly, too large and frequently unattainable. This is the “who, what, where, and why” part of your goal. Rather than say “I want to lose weight”, be specific. “I want to lose ten pounds because I will feel better and healthier” is a specific goal.

2. Measurable

Your goals need to be measurable. Otherwise, how would you ever know if you have achieved them? Using the above example, rather than saying “I want to lose weight”, you need to make the goal measurable by adding the number of pounds.

3. Achievable

Your goals need to be achievable. Again, using the above example, rather than say “I am going to lose 20lbs. in a week”, revise the goal and say “I am going to lose 20lbs. in six months. The first goal is obviously not achievable. The second, however, is very achievable.

4. Realistic and Relevant

Your goals need to be relevant and realistic. Again, using the above example, it would be unrealistic to say “I will be the same weight as I was when I was 6 months old”. OK. That one’s a far stretch, but you get the picture. Making your goals both realistic and relevant will, in turn, make them attainable. The other “R”s to consider are: Revisit, Review and Revise. Your goals, on occasion, need to be revisited, reviewed and revised. It is OK to tweak your goals as needed and revise them as a result. Again, this only makes your goals reachable.

5. Timeline or Time bound

Your goals need a timeline. Without this tool, the goals are never ending, and you cannot hold yourself accountable for timeless goals. Give yourself a specific time, within which, you can meet your goal. This one is a bit tricky. Personally, I always allow myself a bit more time than anticipated. This is the same theory as leaving the house 15 minutes earlier to allow you leeway in case of delay. Give yourself a bit more time to allow for hiccups in your road. Remember, if you find that you are not going to meet your timetable, go back to step 4. Revisit, review and revise the goal.

Take some time to digest the above acronym. You will find it useful for every aspect of your life, but you will find this tool invaluable when it comes to achieving your fitness and wellness goals.

In Fitness and in Health,

Focus and Form Fitness

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