Personal Training at its Finest 305.766.6877
Happy Labor Day
Happy Labor Day to you all!
Unfortunately for us, it is nothing but rain in the forecast today. That being said, our plan was to barbecue. To be honest with you, I was NOT looking forward to doing that for two very simple reasons: It’s just too hot and I don’t want to stink like smoke. There is just no way around either of those two factors in early September in Florida.
O.K. There is an upside to this for us: December, January, etc. with temperatures above freezing. With that also comes the luxury of never having to wear a winter coat, gloves, or hats that ensure bad hair days. For that, we are always grateful. Therefore, when I weigh the positives and the negatives, I am happier in South Florida than I have ever been.
So…To conclude this rant….Carry on and enjoy your day, no matter what the weather is dictating to you. You know the ol’ saying: ” When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”!
Happy Labor Day,
Shereen Rios BAS, CPT forFocus and Form Fitness