Personal Training at its Finest 305.766.6877
Saying Goodbye
Hello, Friends.
Recently, Pedro and I went to Brazil. This trip, however, was not simply to visit family, but to say goodbye to my beloved father-in-law. He lived a long fulfilling life and died comfortably, knowing that he did the very best he could do as a father, husband, doctor, and person. We are all truly blessed to have known him.
The purpose of this is not to make you sad, but more to make you think. If you read my blogs, you know that a few months back Pedro and I went to Brazil for Christmas and to bring in the New Year. When we were there, Dad went for walks with us, joined us at the pool for conversation, and we really had a fabulous trip.
For us, making the commitment to go to Brazil is not that easy. Plane tickets are a slight fortune, and to be honest with you we don’t take much time off because we have obligations to our clients. When we made the decision last December we were not sure what condition Dad would be in when we got there. It turns out that he had nothing short of a miracle turn-around upon our arrival. We really had a great holiday.
Now I am sure you are wondering what my point is, and I don’t blame you. Here you go….In our lives, we have to make choices. Some choices may benefit others more than it benefits ourselves. Sometimes, we need to choose family vacations over a cruise or a romantic get-away. I have to tell you that my feelings are that family should be at the top of the priority list. Unfortunately, it is only when we are without loved ones on this earth that we realize that.
I do have some sound advice (in my own opinion, of course). Take the time to visit your family, but while on these family trips, also make plans to do something for yourself. Take a few extra days and run off to a motel with your spouse, or take a romantic hike together. It is really easy NOT to make time to reconnect with your partner, but it is really important to FIND that time.
Enjoy the May weather, and I will reconnect with you all soon!
With the Best of Intentions,
Shereen Rios BAS, CPT for Focus and Form Fitness
Thanks for sharing the information you have an amazing site.
My pleasure. Enjoy.