Crispy Tofu, Onions and Mushrooms

Crispy Tofu, Mushrooms and Onions

I hadn’t made this recipe in years, simply because I forgot about it. I am so happy I remembered!


1 container of firm tofu, cut into small (1/2 inch) cubes

1 large yellow onion, diced

1 8oz. container of mushrooms, cut into 1/2 inch pieces (they shrink when you cook them)

1-4 chopped cloves of garlic (to taste)

Olive oil

Salt, pepper, totaste

Optional: 8oz. fresh spinach


  1. In a very large pan, heat 1 tbsp. olive oil, then add mushrooms
  2. Cook until mushrooms have shrunk to about 1/2 the original size, and the water has escaped
  3. Drain off the water
  4. Add tofu, garlic, onions, and 2 tbsp. olive oil
  5. Cook over low heat, stirring about every 15 minutes at first and increasing stirring to every 5 minutes as the food begins to crisp
  6. Add olive oil as needed so food doesn’t stick to the pan
  7. If you are going to add spinach, do it when the food begins turning brown so the water can cook out of it
  8. Food is done when the whole mixture is golden brown and has a slight crisp to it.
  9. Season with salt and pepper, and eat as is or over brown rice


Varies by the amount of oil you use, and they type of Tofu you buy. The addition should be simple enough to do.


Happy Eating!


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