Pickleball Mania

Pickleball Mania


This is a great sport to play. It requires only some space, the actual Pickleball paddles, and some Pickleball balls. A net is optional, though I usually play on a tennis court.

I am a tennis player. I have been for the majority of my life, and have played on several teams, including collegiate tennis teams. I have been teaching tennis since I was 14 (I am nearly 50 now), and while I still enjoy the game, I am always excited to try out a new racket sport.


One of my clients showed up one day with a Pickleball set. At first, I thought it would be impossible for us to play outdoors, but I soon found out I was incorrect. We have access to a tennis court, so we decided to try playing there. If you watch an instructional video or if you read the rules for Pickleball, you will see that the actual net is lower than a tennis court. Honestly? My client and I can see the benefit of a lower net, but that doesn’t stop us from having fun.


The paddles for this game are similar to paddle ball rackets. They are dense and made of various materials. We have basic wooden ones. The balls are “wiffle”-type balls. They come in various densities, and they make balls specific to court surfaces and “weather conditions”. Indoor balls vary from outdoor balls.

Pickleball racket

The bounce of the Pickleball is very different from a tennis ball, or any other racket sport ball  that I have played or tried. It is a very low bounce, and requires a lot of bending. Now….Don’t get me wrong. You can bend at the waist as well, but it is best to bend at the knees to get under the ball. It also makes for a better workout.

Pickleball footwork is interesting. Again, if you look at a video, you can see the actual dimensions of a regulation court. We use half of a tennis court, and we play from the service line (the line between the base of the court and the net). It is a relatively small space, but you will find that even a space like that is difficult to cover. I can clearly see the benefits of playing doubles for those with mobility issues. For now, I am blessed to be able to cover the whole area. Give me a few years (20 or so, hopefully), and I will update you.

As for the official rules, I have no intention of listing them, To be honest with you, I don’t care about them. We go out for a half hour and just have a lot of fun. We don’t even keep score. It is simply a half hour of an alternate cardiovascular workout.

Is Pickleball for you? Watch a video for more information. Just put “Pickleball” into a search on your computer and choose the one that appeals to you, or do what we did. Take a chance. Order the rackets and balls and just have fun with it. If you have access to a cement wall, you don’t even need a partner. You can practice and move as much or as little as you want to.


You may be wondering why I have written about this bizarre named sport. If you know me, you know the reason: I am always looking for new ways to move. Boredom is such a huge factor for most people’s workout routines that I am willing to try almost anything that involves moving. I took a chance with this one, and it payed off.

What have you done recently in your workout routine that challenged you to learn a new skill set or try something totally new? You may want to consider that question and challenge yourself. You just may have new-found child-like energy, and you may even look forward to practicing the new activity. I know I do!

In Health, Fitness and Fun,

Shereen Rios BAS, CPT for Focus and Form Fitness

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