Personal Training at its Finest 305.766.6877
Summer Is Here!
Here is South Florida, it seems we have gone from Spring-like temperatures to sweltering summer temperatures overnight. As a result, activities shift. For instance, the tennis games that were played at 10am are now played at 8am to prevent what we proverbially call “melting”.
Focus and Form Fitness is always on the lookout for new activities to enjoy during the summer months. One of the newest things we found was a ball that is meant to “bounce” off the water. It is great fun in the ocean, or in the pool. It is called Waboba. Here is the link to the site:
The other thing that we have a new found respect for is Kadima, an oldie but a goodie. It is similar to a paddle ball racket, and the ball is a bit smaller than a paddle ball, but it has less pressure, so it doesn’t bounce as far. We found that the ball floats, which is key to summer-time water fun. Here is a link to check that out as well:
So, Friends, as we get into hotter temperatures, we are constantly looking for new ways to exercise while having fun and enjoying our environment. We will keep you posted as we come across new activities to try and enjoy.
In Fitness and Fun,
Shereen Rios for Focus and Form Fitness