Personal Training at its Finest 305.766.6877
Continuing Education
As part of our ongoing education process, I have completed some courses recently. We feel it is vital to the industry, as well as our clients and potential clients, to stay on top of new trends as well as new techniques and health issues. For this purpose, I am always looking for interesting new approaches to “old” issues.
This time around, I paid attention to fall prevention, body leverage programs with no equipment, and strength and conditioning games. The three courses I took through IDEA corresponded to the above topics.
New strength and conditioning games are always important to me. I find that by clients engaging in game play, they enjoy their workouts more and have increased attention and even stamina. By the end of the workout, clients have gotten an overall body workout, engaged their brains, worked on eye-hand coordination, and addressed balance issues as well. Changing routines frequently also helps to avoid workout plateaus which are often associated with pure boredom.
Do you have a favorite workout game that you would like to share? I would love to hear from you and share ideas.
In Best Health and Wellness,
Shereen Rios BAS, CPT for Focus and Form Fitness