Personal Training at its Finest 305.766.6877
Just Dance
Hate to “workout”? You are not alone. The key to success is finding something that you enjoy doing. That being said, a thought occurred to me yesterday. I was listening to my i-pod, jamming to my favorite 70’s dance tunes, cleaning the house, and DANCING! Here’s the thing: I am not a public dancer type of woman. I am relatively shy in a group of people, and sometimes self conscious about the fact that I am stuck in the 70’s. However…At home, well that’s a whole different story.
I know I am not alone. There have to be more people out there who can really bust a move in the privacy of their own house. This is similar to the infamous “shower singers”. They don’t sing anywhere but in the privacy and safety of their own showers. Here’s your challenge, closet dancers: Clear a space, put on your favorite tunes, and just dance for the sake of dancing. Nobody is there to judge you. It is just you and your music. The good news is that you are burning some serious calories while you are having fun. You can burn an average of 100 calories by dancing in your own home for about 20 minutes. Throw in some strength training moves a few days a week, and you have a fun way to get and stay fit!
Let me know your thoughts!
In Fitness, Health and Wellness,
Shereen Phillips BAS, CPT
Focus and Form Fitness