Personal Training at its Finest 305.766.6877
Last week, I gave you homework to do. I am assuming that if you are reading this now, you have done your work and are anxious to discuss it.
As a reminder, here are the goals that I asked you to revise:
“I will lose 50lbs. by next year.”
“I will go to the gym every day.”
“I will stop eating junk food and fast food.”
“I will get into my “skinny clothes” by ___________ (fill in the special event date).
“I will have 6-pack abs in 3 months.”
“I will have the beach body I want by summertime.”
Let’s look at the above examples and tweak them so they make sense.
“I will lose 4 pounds this month”.
“I will go to the gym 3 times this week”.
“I will plan my meals for this week and not deviate from my plan”
“I will buy a really spectacular outfit a week before ___________. That way, I can buy the appropriate size according to the results I have achieved”.
“By next summer, I will feel better about showing up to the beach in my bathing suit”.
“I will do abdominal exercises 3 days a week”.
I am sure, after thinking about it, your answers are similar to mine. There is no right or wrong way to make the goals more reachable. Your answers are yours and will vary from mine or anyone else’s. Look at the other goals I asked you to examine (your personal ones). Are they reachable as well, or do you need to reconsider them? The important thing is that you make the goals S.M.A.R.T. If you do not know what S.M.A.R.T goals are, stay tuned till next week where the secret to successful goal setting and reaching is revealed!
Feel free, as always, to share your thoughts. We are here to listen.
In Fitness, Health, Wellness and Happiness,
Focus Form and Fitness