Work Hard, Play Hard

Work Hard, Play Hard

This has been a crazy, yet productive summer for Pedro and I.

Pedro just took a three day re-certification course. It was technologically very advanced, and had a plethora of physiology questions. Let’s be honest. This is what makes him so knowledgeable. He is constantly learning and enriching his mind, specifically in our field of fitness training. I’m proud of his continual efforts.

Our home improvements are pretty much complete, except for a couple of minor things we would like to do in the near future. We have goals, and we plan so we can meet them. It’s simply the only way we can function.

Clientele continues to grow, though as my Dad says: “There is always room for more”, which is honestly the truth. We can always fit you in to the schedule if you really want to start being serious about your training. In fact, the more motivated you are, the more motivated we are. In a nut shell, reach out to us to discuss scheduling needs.

We love our summers here. Taking advantage of the beach is crucial to our sanity and something we really look forward to on the weekends. We work hard during the week (and Saturday mornings), so we can play just as hard on our days off. My newest toy? A giant floating raft that looks more like a small boat to me. I love to just float on those calm days. It centers me and I don’t have to battle any marine life once I am safely in my vessel. 🙂 Of course, I have McGyvered an anchor to make my life easier and to avoid ending up 2 miles down the beach.

I will be taking another certification course in the next month or so, and my sport nutrition certification is complete. I also completed my CPR/AED/First Aid training. I love learning new things, and I am always looking for new classes to take that can help me help my clients. One of the things I especially enjoy doing is “Googling” Parkinson’s Disease workouts. I currently train 4 people that are afflicted, and they are so different in their needs, that it helps me to gain new insights and ideas. The internet has been invaluable for me, and I want to personally thank the people who take the time to post and publish articles and ideas. I, for one, REALLY appreciate your efforts.

We are planning some trips in the upcoming months: Tennessee to visit my family, and Brazil to visit Pedro’s family. We feel blessed to have family to visit, and we cherish our time with them.

‘Till Next Time,

Work Hard So You Can Play Hard!

Shereen Rios BAS, CPT for Focus and Form Fitness

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