Saturday Motivation

Saturday Motivation

OK. Even I get lazy about my own workouts from time to time so today’s motivation is about scheduling your workouts into your day. It doesn’t matter if you keep a paper schedule book like I do, or use your phone for your schedule. The important part is to physically add your workouts in.

On Superbowl Sunday, I was at a party. Some of the women there were asking me whether or not I still go walking every day. I was honest when I said “no”, but I didn’t add that I rarely actually went out for my walks anymore. So…..What to do? I told them that I would walk on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 7am. Now..Here’s the thing..I really expected them to tell me that was too early for them, but low and behold, there they were on Tuesday.

What does this have to do with motivation, you ask? Well, the fact that they were going to count on me MOTIVATED me to get back into my healthy habit again. By committing to actual days and and time, I have refocused my own efforts and I am SO HAPPY! What can you commit to do that will get you back on track? Take out your daily calendar and write it down. Hold yourself accountable and get back in gear. You can do it, and I’m here to help!

Have a Healthy Saturday!

Shereen Rios BAS, CPT

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