Personal Training at its Finest 305.766.6877
Just be Honest
Don’t worry. I have not turned into some preaching lunatic. I just want to discuss honesty as it relates to your fitness regimen and hiring a personal trainer.
For well over a year now, we have been getting “leads” from a reputable website, designed to match peoples’ needs to local business who can meet them. The concept is wonderful for both parties. We do not make random phone calls or leave random e-mails; We answer specific requests for personal trainers. The people receiving the information actually WANT to hear from us. In this telemarketing age, it is truly a novel concept.
You may be asking yourself: “Where does honesty fit into this?” Read on to find out.
When potential clients decide not to hire us, we get a notification. As a business manager, I always reach out to these people to ask them why. Of the people who are kind enough to answer, the answer almost across the board is “cost”. The majority of people, however, never answer my inquiry. Informal surveys of random people (aka: people I have asked) concur that the number one reason they would not hire a trainer is the cost factor.
There are many objections that we are not equipped to overcome. We cannot overcome objections of people whose parents or children are sick and need them, who are suddenly moving out of state, who are having emergency surgery tomorrow, or who insist on a female trainer for religious reasons. One of the objections we MAY be able to overcome is cost related. Don’t get me wrong. We charge a fair price for a premium service. We take credit cards to help “finance” training sessions. We also have been known to work with clients who are either very dedicated or who live very locally. In other words: Let us know what the real reason is. Perhaps, we can work on a solution together and you can actually begin to transform your body, mind and soul within your budget.
Keep it Honest!
Shereen Rios BAS, CPT for Focus and Form Fitness