Jump Into the Next Fish Bowl!

Jump Into the Next Fish Bowl


If you don’t like your current routine, and you want different results, why not jump into the next fish bowl?

We have all been through this before. We exercise, we eat right, we live a healthier lifestyle, and then something happens. We get bored, we get a bit lazier, we get a bit less motivated, and the next thing we know, we are moving backward instead of forward.

My cure for this is simple: Change your routine. Oftentimes, professional athletes have a training cycle. They change up their routines for different results, or to train a different set of muscles. This theory should apply to all of us.  Because we are all so different, we have different needs as well as attention spans.

For those of you with relatively short attention spans, I recommend changing your routine every month.  On the first, begin a new activity. If you are reluctant, that is a good thing. It will make you more eager to return to that activity when it is time. Your number of cycles in a year will vary, but the key to this working is that you MUST go to the next activity while you are still totally engrossed in the present one. The worst thing that can happen is that you get bored. When this happens, we work out less, we eat more poorly, we may take a break, etc.

Obviously, this technique varies with each person. Some of you may have 3 month cycles, occurring 4 times a year. Some  may decide to do it seasonally and vary the activities with the weather.  You know yourself, and if you are really honest, you will be able to figure out about when you begin to fade out. Nip it in the bud, be proactive, and CHANGE!

Here are some examples of activities to cycle into your plans:

walking, cycling, stair climbing, aerobics classes, elliptical work, tennis or another outdoor racket sport, soccer league, beach walks, jogging/walking programs, dancing, swimming, mountain biking, rock climbing, water skiing…..

Think big, think change, think different, think challenging, and NEVER BE AFRAID TO JUMP INTO THE NEXT FISH BOWL!

Happy Jumping,

Shereen Rios BAS, CPT for Focus and Form Fitness

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