Personal Training at its Finest 305.766.6877
Homemade Sports Drink
Need to replace electrolytes? Here’s an easy recipe for you!
1. Empty 20 oz. water bottle
2. Sugar free sweetener of choice (we recommend Stevia)
3. 1 ounce orange juice (or any other fruit juice)
4. Squeeze of lemon juice or any other citrus that adds a lot of flavor (option: you can use a sugar-free flavored drink of your choice as well)
5. PINCH of salt
6. Teaspoon of REAL sugar
1. Add all ingredients to the empty water bottle
2. Fill with water almost to top, leaving room to shake
This will vary depending on the actual ingredients you choose, so get out your calculator (or calculator app) and add away. This is not a zero calorie drink, but it will replace basic electrolytes lost during sustained activity.
Enjoy, and be creative with flavorings!
Happy Hydrating,
Shereen Rios BAS, CPT for Focus and Form Fitness