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Goal Setting
What kind of fitness, health and wellness goals do you set for yourself? Chances are whatever fitness goals you have set, you have failed to reach. Statistically speaking, according to Maggie Wray, PHD, one in four people make the same resolution each year and fail to keep it. (Wray) This is what we like to call, at Focus and Form Fitness, a negative learning curve.
The good news is that you can stop the cycle. The not so good news is that it takes some time and thinking. What stops you from meeting the goals you set? In most cases that we have seen, the problem is not with setting a goal. The problem lies in the “size” of the goal you are setting.
Do any of these statements sound familiar to you?
“I will lose 50lbs. by next year.”
“I will go to the gym every day.”
“I will stop eating junk food and fast food.”
“I will get into my skinny clothes by ___________ (fill in the special event date).
“I will have 6-pack abs in 3 months.”
“I will have the beach body I want by summertime.”
I could go on and on, but by now you get the proverbial picture. Yes, in all of the above examples, a goal was set. However, the goals are so large that they seem impossible to achieve after the first couple of weeks (if you are lucky) of trying.
Why not look at this logically? If your goals were financial, I doubt that you would say something as preposterous as “I will make a million trillion bazillion dollars in 3 months”. You may say: “I will increase earnings by 10% this month”. The same holds true with health, wellness, and fitness goals.
You now have homework to do. Take the above statements, and make them small and achievable goals. In addition, take 10 of your personal goals and make them small and achievable. Stay tuned for part 2 of this topic next week.
Feel free, as always, to share your thoughts. We are here to listen.
In Fitness, Health, Wellness and Happiness,
Focus and Form Fitness
Works Cited
Wray, Maggie, Ph.D. “Goal Setting Statistics: Are You Beating the Odds?” 29 January 2013. Achieve with Maggie. 7 April 2014. <>.