Personal Training at its Finest 305.766.6877
Friends are Precious
Recently, Pedro and I went to Arizona to visit our dear friends who moved a year and a half ago (without our permission, I might add).
We had the privilege of staying in their new home with them which has a spectacular mountain back yard view.
We did some traveling, we barbecued, we danced, we laughed, we climbed a mountain, so saw a spectacular cactus light show, but most importantly we were reunited with our dear friends.
Do yourselves a favor….Once in a while, take a trip that is not to visit family, but to visit with people who truly enrich your life that you simply miss having contact with. I am sure you will leave with the same warm, goose-bumpy feeling that we did. Yes….A few tears were shed when we had to leave, but we are looking forward to our next visit.
Happy Travels.
Shereen Rios BAS, CPT for Focus and Form Fitness