Family First

Family First


Recently, Pedro and I took a trip to Tennessee. We had several purposes for our visit: My birthday, Thanksgiving with my immediate family, and for the last leg of the trip we flew to another part of Tennessee to visit our daughter and grandson. All of this was done in seven days. I’m tired just reading what we did!

While we were at the Thanksgiving table, my dad asked me what my dreams and hopes and plans were for the coming year. I guess he was tired of the traditional “What are you thankful for” question, followed by the traditional response: “My health, my happiness, and may we all be here next year”. He threw me for a slight loop, but without hesitation I answered “My first priority is for us to go to Brazil to visit Pedro’s father” who has been ill for some time now. It was a bit far fetched as tickets are a fortune, but Dad asked so I answered.

We left my father’s house feeling like we didn’t quite have enough time there which is better than feeling like we should have left a day earlier. We traveled to Northeast Tennessee and had the fortune of spending time with our beautiful daughter and amazingly sweet and handsome grandson. I’m not just saying that because they are mine either. (I know what you were thinking). We left there thinking we wished we had more time with them. Again, it is better than thinking we should have left a day earlier.

Onward we traveled back to home sweet home. Pedro and I always love coming home because quite frankly, we feel blessed to be living in paradise. We fell back into our daily routines and everything was “normal” again when we were truly blessed with what I would call a miracle: New clients afforded us the opportunity to be spending this Christmas and New Year in Brazil with Pedro’s family. Never in a million years would I have thought this would have been possible. Pedro, however, did. I have to give it to my husband: When he sets his mind and heart on something, it usually happens.

The tickets are still a small fortune, but I can’t think of a better way for us to spend our hard-earned money. To be able to see Pedro interact with his father, brother, nephew and other family members will be the greatest gift I could have asked for.

I am choosing to share this intimate side of our lives because I think it is important to let you all know that for Pedro and Myself, our families will always be our priority. Could we have spend the same money on a cruise for two or some expensive electronic devices? Of course we could have. To be honest with you, 20 years ago, I probably would have (I can’t speak for Pedro on this).

It becomes quite necessary as we age for our priorities to shift. If they didn’t, we would be stuck in time and be unable to progress as human beings. It is part of the evolution of growing up.

How does this all relate to personal training, you might ask? Think about it for a while. The money you may have spent in the past for that vacation could also be spent for a personal trainer. Which one would benefit you more and have a more lasting fulfilling effect on your life? You do the math on that one.

On behalf of Pedro and myself, we want to wish all of you a happy, healthy, prosperous and fulfilling new year. Remember: don’t forget to dream. In the above case, we dreamed about Brazil and look what happened?

All The Best,

Shereen Rios BAS, CPT and Pedro Rios BSE, CPT

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