Personal Training at its Finest 305.766.6877
CPR/AED Certification
Recently, we attended our CPR/AED certification class. We have to say that this was the best class we have taken. The teacher, Jackie, was professional. She spoke to us on a level that everyone could understand, and rather than barrage us with a bunch of notes, the majority of the time, we practiced technique. For us, this was far more beneficial than certifications of the past, and we will be sure to go back to Jackie for our next round.
For information about the training course we took in South East Florida, contact:
Jacqueline Fernandez RDH, BASDH, CME, ME, LMT
Florida Courses and CPR
We hate to think we will ever need to use the training we received, but it is reassuring to know that we can if we need to.
Kudos, Jackie!
In Health and Wellness,
Shereen Rios BAS, CPT for Focus and Form Fitness