Personal Training at its Finest 305.766.6877
This is a tough subject for me. On the one hand, I am not a classic over-reactor. On the other hand, I don’t want to be stupid and pay little attention to something that deems attention. I admit that at first I thought the media circus was overkill and freaking people out unnecessarily. I have predominantly senior clients, and my advice to them was to watch the Cartoon Network for now. However, I have since changed my opinion.
When two of my clients decided that they were uncomfortable going to the gym for now, it caught my attention as well as hurt my wallet. My primary concern is always my clients, and of course I support their decisions. I thought they were taking extreme measures but who am I to judge? After watching the news last night, I understand why they made their decisions. While I still abhor the news, they are reporting real issues and real concern that cannot be ignored. (Don’t get me wrong, I still think the news sensationalizes things for ratings).
So here’s the bottom line: Make smart decisions after gathering information and weighing consequences. That sounds to me like advice for living in general, but it is my opinion that until we are though with this viral scare we are a bit more precautionary while still living our lives as normally as possible.
What do you think?
Shereen Rios BAS, CPT