Brazil for the Holidays!

Brazil for the Holidays


Pedro and I recently returned from Brazil, where we went to visit family. His Dad has not been well lately, and we knew we had to make that trip our priority. Almost magically, Pedro made it happen. (He has a knack for that).

When we arrived, we really didn’t know what to expect. His brother picked us up at the airport, and we quickly went to Pedro’s Dad’s beach residence.

We walked into what I would call a well-organized 3-ring circus. Seemingly, there were people everywhere. It was a bit overwhelming for me, but after I stepped back and observed, it all made sense. Dad had an AMAZING team of people taking care of him. People were cleaning, cooking, and someone was always right next to Dad making sure his every need was met. It was quite impressive.

While we were there, Dad contracted a slight infection. He was brought directly to the hospital, where his round the clock care continued. Within 2 days, he was back home.

Here is the almost miraculous part: Before we arrived, Dad was almost unresponsive. Not only was he responsive, but he knew who Pedro was. After a while, he even remembered who the “gringa” was. (I kind-of stood out)! 🙂

Dad went down to the pool with us, barbecued with us, went for a walk on the Broad-walk with us, and really enjoyed our time there. On New Year’s Eve, Dad was there to say “Happy New Year”. To Pedro and I, we thought everyone had been overreacting about Dad’s condition. We soon learned we were wrong.

When we went to leave, all of the “sea” of people taking care of Dad took us aside and told us how it was really a miracle. We had brought life, laughter and happiness into the house that was not there prior to our arrival. Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not implying that we are a miracle cure. What I AM saying is this:

Sometimes, we get complacent. We submit and succumb prematurely. We basically lose the urge to try. The fact that Pedro and I were new voices and new faces made a huge impact. The fact that Dad was on the Broad-walk admiring the pretty women made him feel “alive” again.

Why am I telling you this very personal story? I am sure you know me by now, but I’ll go ahead and tell you anyways. PLEASE make the effort to stimulate and energize your loved ones, even when you think it’s a lost cause. I just witnessed myself that it is NEVER a lost cause, and Pedro and I are looking forward to returning to Brazil soon for our next visit.

Take care of yourself, and the people around you.

With Best Wishes ALWAYS,

Shereen Rios BAS, CPT


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