Tag Archives: Nutrition

What’s Holding You Back?

What’s Holding You Back?   Most adults know that eating right and getting regular exercise are one of the keys to aging gracefully and strongly. It has been proven that taking care of ourselves leads to less doctor’s visits, less medication being taken, and an overall feeling of knowing that we are doing the best we can do for oursel [ + ]
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Fabulous Un-Grilled, Grilled Chicken Breasts

Fabulous Un-Grilled, Grilled Chicken Breasts OK. I know how strange that sounds, but we can’t be the only ones with the following dilemmas: First of all, we can’t grill with a real grill where we live. Secondly, we are tired of dried out chicken breasts. Sure, we can bread and fry them, but if we are going to go that route we would certainly [ + ]
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