Bathroom Remodeling Blues

Bathroom Remodeling Blues

Bathroom remodeling

What have we been up to…..Well, we decided that we needed to finally remodel the bathroom. It seemed like an easy concept, so we trotted off to a store, picked out all of the things we wanted, and set a delivery date. It’s that easy, right?

HA! Not so much! For starters, there are permits to pull. What do we know? We haven’t renovated a bathroom before. This means we need to hire people to do the work. Another seemingly easy task, but this is South Florida, Friends. NOTHING here is that easy. Between people telling us they will charge thousand of dollars for permits (that literally cost a couple of hundred to get), and people just not showing up for appointments, this is slowly becoming a nightmare.

I am not a drama queen. In fact, I pride myself in taking things one step at a time and coming up with plans for success. In this particular case, however, it seems that a lot of this is out of our hands. So….The lesson that I will share with you is…..

Get all your ducks in a row first. Secure your workers, and get your permits as soon as possible. If you have some time and want to save a bunch of $$, file for them yourself. You just need the specific companies to fill their information in or you before you truck down to your local city building.

The end result will be beautiful, and ten years from now…when I am soaking in my whirlpool tub surrounded by candles, I am sure I will be laughing. For now….Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr….We will keep you posted.

In The Spirit of a New Bathroom,

Shereen RiosBAS, CPT  for Focus and Form Fitness

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