2 Months In..Where are you?


Time Flies

It seems like time is literally flying by. We are nearing the end of February, and it feels like we are losing time. Why do we feel that way, though? My theory is that in most cases, we feel like we are losing time if we are not accomplishing the things we set out to do in what we perceive as a “timely” fashion.

Do we set unrealistic time frames, are we lazy, or have we set goals that are not achievable? Either way, it is something that needs to be figured out so we don’t feel like we are losing aka wasting time. I think that the two phrases, in this case, may be interchangeable (losing vs. wasting).

Once you have figured out the reason for this feeling, you can do something about it. Perhaps you can reformulate your goals into smaller, more attainable goals. Perhaps you need to redefine your goals all together. Perhaps you haven’t set ANY goals for yourself, and you need to.

It is two months into the new year. Ask yourself:  “Where am I”? If you are not where you think you should be, now is the time to do something about it before it is 2016, and you are asking yourself the same question.

Ponder that and let me know your thoughts.

Until Next Time,

Shereen for Focus and Form Fitness

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